Spring Break Survival Kit: 12 Skin Products For The Ultimate Beach Vacation
- By: Brianna Rose Hewitt
Please, please, please pack SPF…
Hey, Spring Breakers. It’s officially that time of year to take a break from any hustling you’ve started the year off with and take a week vacation lying on a beach. Whether it’s Hawaii, Cabo, The Florida Panhandle, South Beach…well maybe not South Beach anymore, you are going to be exposed to some pretty intense elements and maybe some pretty intense partying as well.
Don’t worry because here at Loop Magazine we’ve got you covered on some essential survival items for one of your best vacations of the year. You’ll make it out of Spring Break if you remember these 5 Rules.
- Sunscreen is the most important thing you can put on your skin!
- If you don’t do anything else at night, at least take off your makeup
- Tan yourself in moderation, and there’s tanning products for ALL skin tones
- Refresh and hydrate the skin constantly
- It’s okay and even expected in some situations to party, just always party responsibly and take care of yourself the next morning.
Keep scrolling to see products that will help you adhere to these 5 rules, and get ready for the 2024 Spring Break season!